Monday, April 11, 2011


  1. My memory is too blurry, but I remember when we were talking and I asked you something, and what was my answer?


    It was probably better than the answer I was expecting~

    By the way, Choko looks really cool in that costume. And thinking now about Choko + banana... I think about Chokobanana... I don't think they are hard to make. Maybe I could try making you something like a Chokobanana with ice cream one of these days if you wish to. I keep my word of spoiling you with food one of these days.

  2. I didn't remember that, hum..

    But this image poped out in my head when I was drawing and I had had had to draw it.

    The costume came random in my head, just a bunch of lines put together.

  3. Your imagination can be... weird sometimes... ;;;;


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