Monday, April 25, 2011

Ps: Choko brought herself a matching Nidoking >:3 

Ps2: you thought you were drinking pepsi, but I put coke in your glass when you were not watching >:3


  1. You are making me want to go catch Nidoqueens for Paretta and taking care of them until they become into the most awesome Nidoqueens in Earth.
    Nidoqueen and Nidoking are awesome pokémon, but your concerns about what the heck they are supposed to be are making me think as well...

    Chokoretta looks really really gentle there (and what I told you about how I see them ;;; ).

    P.S.: That explains why my glass of "Pepsi" tasted strange.

  2. By the way, nice boots you have there, Choko.

  3. Chocoretta for life <3
    Zureshi for life<3

    I removed the above post because I mistyped Chokoretta, ops~ >:3 -eats head-


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